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Labyrinths are truly sacred places.  The design itself is inherently powerful.  The space and the experience of walking a Labyrinth can be very profound and enlightening.  It is a tool for people of all beliefs to come together for a common spiritual experience.

Many people make the mistake of thinking that a maze and a Labyrinth are the same.  A maze has dead end turns and many trick turns.  It is meant to confuse the mind.  A Labyrinth has only one path leading to the center and back out again.  There are no dead ends.  It is meant to calm the mind.
When you walk a Labyrinth, you walk back and forth, turning 180 degrees each time you enter a different circuit.  As you shift your direction you also shift your awareness from right brain to left brain.  This is one of the reasons the Labyrinth can induce a calm state of consciousness.  As well as helping balance and center your mind, the Labyrinth also helps balance your chakras.

The human part of us sometimes has difficulty quieting the chatter in our minds long enough to hear what our soul is trying to tell us.  Meditation is the art of paying attention, of listening to your heart and learning to be present in the moment.


Rocks Rocks and more Rocks

What a job!

Here I am taking a break from rock picking.  Dave and I used a lot of energy picking and laying rocks for the Labyrinth. Each rock that was laid was selected by  size, character and strength.  The results are amazing!

The Labyrinth seems to draw spiritual, metaphysical, scientific interest and speculation, but if none of that applies to you and you are drawn to the Labyrinth because of the feeling or the looks that's just as wonderful.......

Labyrinth walking can provide a sense of calm that is conductive to meditation and prayer.  Though the Labyrinth is thousands of years old, these ancient patterns still speak to us today.  Our culture is saturated in rapid information, technology and stimulation that our body and mind needs a place for quiet release and introspection.  It is no wonder the the Labyrinth has been reborn to help us reconnect with ourselves.

The Labyrinth will be closed to the Public effective May 01/06
We are relocating further north due to David's work. At this time we are intending to move our beloved Labyrinth to our new home.  If the new owner is of like mind the Labyrinth may stay.  I will keep you posted on this site. 
Thank you to all those who have shared the sacred energy within the Labyrinth.